Friday, July 4, 2014

14 Weeks Old!

This was a big week! Duncan has made friends with Jen, my new teaching partner, and her dogs. Junie and Mazie are adorable German Short haired Pointers. They get along famously and have a great yard to run around in that is safe from traffic and other dogs.  YAY! Along with meeting new friends, we also met Dr. S., the vet. He got his shots, nails cut, and basic puppy checkup. All is A okay! We go back at the end of the month for the rest of the shots.

Duncan loves to go for rides in the car. We started out with sitting on Mommy's lap while she drove when he was smaller. This was a BAD idea. So, Mommy smartened up and buckled him in to the front seat. This worked beautifully! So now we just drive all over Bethel for fun and a break from crazy rip-roaring puppy time in the house.  Often, this puts Duncan to sleep.

Duncan also has visited Mommy's school and met Melvin and Stewie, the guinea pigs. I wish I could have gotten some pictures of this but I had to hold onto Duncan's harness in one hand and the GP in the other. In the end, Duncan was very excited to meet them and just gave Melvin and Stewie a lick.

Here are a few pictures from Duncan's 14th week.
Duncan, the chewy (slimy thing hanging from his mouth), and Junie.

Maizy, Junie, and Duncan together. Yep, he still has the chewy.

Duncan and Maizy playing outside. Notice the green yard! This is rare to find in Bethel. These are some pretty lucky puppies!

Now this is a CHEWY! Hours of entertainment and keeps him out of trouble...sort of. 

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